Harry Potter Fan Fiction: Part 1

Fan Fiction

     There was once two dentist, one with strait black hair that went to her waist, and one with short, curly, and brown hair that didn't go to his waist. They were very happy people indeed, plus, they were the proud owners of a 10 year old daughter named Hermione. Hermione had long, brown curly hair and rather large front teeth, unlike her parents who's teeth were perfect and were whiter then the clouds. Hermione was very smart and loved reading books, she had a bossy sort of voice and hated breaking rules. One fine morning Hermione walked into the kitchen on her 11th birthday.
"What's for breakfast?" asked Hermione.
"Sugar free Raisin Brain cereal." replied her father looking up at her from behind his newspaper.  
"Anything with sugar?" asked Hermione hopefully.
Her parents looked deeply offended," What! And have your teeth fall out! No! The reason adults had horrible teeth is because they eat sugar as a child! It eats away at your teeth!" yelled her mother. 
Disappointed, Hermione sat quietly down at the table and began to pour her cereal when a handsome owl came soaring through the window. She and her parents screamed and ducked down under the table when Hermione noticed a letter attached to the owl. Slowly she got up with her parents and they walked through the house to the owl. She untied the bit of twine holding the letter one and backed away from the owl. The owl, seemed to have done his job and flew off again. With a trembling hand, Hermione opened the letter and read aloud the first line.
"We are pleased to inform you that you've been accepted at Hogwarts schools of witchcraft and wizardry." 
She looked at her parents expecting to see them laughing and telling her all about the joke but they looked just as startled as she was.
"What do they mean? Can I see the letter?" asked her father, when he got it he read aloud,"Please find enclosed a list all books and equipment necessary. term begins on September 1. We await your owl no later then July 31. Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall." When her father finished reading they all looked at each other.
"Well then, shall we get your things?" said her mother.
"What?" said Hermione.
" Your a witch! No doubt about that is there? Lets go get your things! Don't forget to floss!" said her father.           And away they went out of the door.

That was part one of my Harry Potter fan fiction, part two coming soon!


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